Wolves at Work

Wolves at Work logo

Wolves at Work offer free, one-to-one support for people in Wolverhampton aged 18 or over, looking for work, or for support to progress in their careers.

A dedicated work coach will assist you to pursue your career aims with support to create a CV, complete the perfect application and with interview practice. You can also access work related training courses to help you get and keep the job of your dreams.

All the information you need is on WorkBox, a unique resource providing everything you need whether you're looking for work, a learner (old or young), already in work, a trainer or business owner. Search for advice and guidance on a wide range of career options, find local sources of advice and training and if you're an employer, submit your vacancies for inclusion on WorkBox.

Wolves at Work is part of the device lending scheme which lends Chromebooks and tablets to those who may not have devices at home.